蜂巢最新动画——Aedas+帝奥 | 新希望华中区域总部动画



长江左岸,荆楚之地,Aedas董事陈玉莹、主席及全球设计董事纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)带领团队,与帝奥设计集团组成联合体,在此赢得了位于二七大桥桥头门户的新希望华中区域总部项目竞赛。设计以优美典雅的线条勾勒出山水意境,打造高贵、典雅且富有文化韵味的城市门户形象。 The Aedas and Do Design consortium has recently won the competition for the New Hope Central China Regional Headquarters at the riverside of Yangtze River in Wuhan, China.  项目位于二七滨江商务区的端部,北临二七长江大桥,东临沿江大道,西临中山大道,优越的地理位置使其在上位城市规划中,成为了城市天际线三足鼎立的重要存在,同时地块与长江隔滨江绿化而望,景观视野极佳。    The project is perched at the northern end of the riverside business district. It overlooks the Erqi Yangtze River Bridge and is surrounded by convenient transportation network. In a superior geographical location, the New Hope Central China Regional Headquarters peers across the riverside greenery of excellent landscape view. Marked by its elegant flow lines that correspond to the surrounding Yangtze, the high-rise allegorically represents Wuhan as a vivacious cultural capital.

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LUMIGO » 蜂巢最新动画——Aedas+帝奥 | 新希望华中区域总部动画


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